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Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What is an Aviation Medical Examiner or Aeronautical Medical Examiner (AME)? ~AMEs are private physicians that are approved by the FAA to perform flight physicals and issue medical certificates when all screening criteria are met. ~An AME is NOT a Federal employee. ~An AME must follow FAA screening guidelines. ~Only Senior AMEs are qualified to issue First Class Certificates

2. What can I expect during the exam? ~Vision tests, Hearing test, Vital Assessments, Urine Analysis, General Physical Evaluation ~Electrocardiogram (EKG) for First Class Pilots. Once between age 35-39yrs and annually for 40+ yrs.

3. What Level Medical Class do I need? ~ First Class Exam - for Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) ~ Second Class Exam - for Commercial Pilot, Commercial Balloon Pilot, Flight Engineer, Flight Navigator, Air Traffic Control Tower Operator (ATC) ~ Third Class Exam - for Private Pilot, Recreational Pilots, Student Pilots ~ Basic Medical Exam - for Private or Recreational Pilots It is a good idea to refer to specific guidelines within flight programs and discuss with your instructors.

4. What is the minimum Class Certification to fly as a student? ~Third Class is the minimum Medical Certification for eligibility.

5. How can I get a copy of my certificate? ~ If an original Medical Certificate is lost or misplaced, you must request a duplicate copy from the FAA. ~ You CANNOT make copies of the original certificate for official use

6. How long is my Medical Certificate Valid? ~ 5 years for Aviators aged 39 and younger. ~ 2 years for Aviators aged 40 and older.

7. What happens if I hold a Medical Certificate for the full term? ~ The Medical Certificate will drop in Class, over time. A drop in Class may increase restrictions. ~ Depending on your needs and professional requirements, you may be required to renew your Medical Certificate prior to the term end date.

8. What is a CACI or Condition AME Can Issue? ~ The FAA allows the AME to evaluate each medical condition and, if medically appropriate, the AME can immediately print the certificate and eliminate the need for an internal FAA review process

9. What is a SODA or Statement of Demonstrated Ability? ~ A SODA is granted by the FAA and not individual AMEs ~ A SODA remains in effect unless there is a change in health or requirements are not met. ~ The Federal Air Surgeon can withdraw a SODA at any time. ~ Please refer to the FAA website for more information

10. Can I fly if I take medication? ~ Possibly. Please refer to the FAA approved OTC medication list ~ Possibly. Please refer to the FAA Medications & Flying for prescription medication list. ~ Consultation Visits are available to address Concerns

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